Gender equality is not only an issue of interest to women. Rather, it’s a concern for everyone – young and old, men and women. With this agenda at its core, the 2nd MenEngage Global Symposium 2014 – Men and Boys for Gender Justice, held in New Delhi from November 10 to 13, 2014; sought to address the various ways in which dominant norms of masculinity contribute to gender based violence. It reflected on the behavioural accountability that needed to be taken by men and boys in the collective effort to uproot gender based discrimination.
Significance of the Symposium in New Delhi The five organising partners of the symposium were: MenEngage, a global alliance comprising over 400 NGOs and UN partners all of whom work individually and collectively with men and boys for gender equality; the New Delhi-based Centre for Health and Social Justice (CHSJ), a founder member of the alliance, which hosted the secretariat for the symposium; UNFPA; UN Women; and Beijing +20.A host of other international and national partners played an active role in contributing to the event in multiple ways. |
Opening of 2nd MenEngage Global Symposium at New Delhi, India
The symposium marked a significant convention of national initiatives such as Forum to Engage Men from India and MenEngage Nepal; regional initiatives such as – South Asian Network to Address Masculinity (SANAM), MenEngage Europe and MenEngage Africa; and global initiatives such as MenEngage Global, White Ribbon campaign and the HeForShe campaign by UN Women, all of which came together at the symposium to discuss and debate their ongoing and developing models of working with men and boys for gender justice.
Delhi Declaration and Call to Action focus on accountability The symposium culminated in the release of the Delhi Declaration and Call to Action urging policy makers and state agencies, activists and developmental practitioners, scholars, researchers and individuals to :- |
Informal interaction among GS participants