ContextAmhi Amachya Arogyasathi working in 5 district of Maharashtra state and one district of Madhya Pradesh state of India. We are mainly working to reduce neonatal and maternal morbidity and mortality through home based neonatal care by trained village level women health workers known as Arogysakhi. Krantijoyati Mahila Sanghatana has been initiated by Amhi Amachya Arogyasathi. Since 2010 in Gadchiroli and Chandrapur district. Krantijoyati Mahila Sanghatana used to monitor Tribal Ashram School and Hostel, twice in a year and sub-centre RH, PHC etc. They also used to visit Fair price shops of PDS. Amhi Amachya Arogyasathi worked as training and resource centre for NGO’s SHG’s or an individuals on Herbal Medicine. Amhi Amachya Arogyasathi is also working for right to education. We have also involved in financial literacy of students in 3 blocks of Gadchiroli district with the help of Meljol Mumbai.We have worked in RCHI programme and now we are involved in empowerment in maternal health programme with Oxfam help. We are working with CSR in Chandrapur district on total village development and neonatal and child health care programme in Chandrapur, Gadchiroli and Pune district in Maharashtra and Seoni district in Madhya Pradesh.
Area of Work:
India Contact Person:
Dr. SatishGogulwar/ Ms.ShubhadaDeshmukh |