THEME: COPASAH as a global collaborative partnership of public health accountability practitioners for engaging with and strengthening health systems for increasing access to health services.
TIME:11:00 - 12:30
ABSTRACT : Social Accountability (SA) practices have often emerged from field innovations. A critical challenge faced, however, is knowledge translation and capacity building of practitioners for sustained change. COPASAH, a global collaborative platform of SA practitioners, describes strategies for building multi-stakeholder platforms and the ‘how-to’ of influencing health system for sustaining positive changes.
PANELIST : * Abhijit Das, COPASAH Global Convener (Centre or Health and Social Justice/COPASAH - Community of Practitioners on Accountability and Social Action in Health) * Jonathan Fox (School of International Service, American University, Washington) * Renu Khanna, (SAHAJ, India) * Borjan Pavlovski, (Association for emancipation, solidarity and equality of women – ESE Macedonia) * Geoffrey Opio, (Uganda)