Second Community Meeting, Bukiriro Health Centre,Tanzania 30 April, 2014
Delhi: 22 March 2014
The workshop was held on March 5-6, 2014 at Shelton Guest House University Town Peshawar. Multiple resource material was developed for the guidance of the members of SANP.The workshopwas designed and conducted by CESSD Governance section. The workshopwas opened by Gulbaz Ali Khan, Senior Manager-Governance& Capacity Development,CESSD. He provided all out intellectual support to the consultant on the related issues duringthe proceedings of the workshop. Jean Frederic Beauchesne, Project Field Manager CESSDattended the programme as a guest and exchanged views with the participants. He highlighted the working of CESSD for strengthening transparency, accountability, participation and the rule of lawin the governance of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province.
To describe the purpose and concept of FOI and RTI
To explain the Legislative Framework of RTI in Pakistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
To list salient features of KP RTI Act 2013
To explain the role of media in promoting and protecting right to information
To reflect upon global perspective of RTI acts and how CSOs around the globe have played their due role in implementation
develop action plan how SAN-P members can effectively create
awareness and advocate for the right to know and application of RTI
Act 2013.