Organization Review Exercise of COPASAH Florencia Guerzovich, Julia Rubio and Martina Amengual (2017) Summary FUTURE DIRECTIONS AND FOLLOW UP (Excerpts from the Organisational Review Report)
BACKGROUND: The Community of Practitioners on Accountability and Social Action in Health (COPASAH) is a global network of practitioners. Its members share a vision about social accountability, health, health care and human dignity. It was established in 2011 with the name Community of Practice on Community Monitoring in Health (COPCOM). The idea was to have a space and create opportunities for practitioners of community monitoring to come together to share, reflect on their experiences and to think about the field and its future. ( Organization Review As a major step in consolidating COPASAH as an institution to be able to achieve its vision, mission and goals, a need was felt by the core group of COPASAH after strategic deliberations with the larger group of stakeholders that an Organizational Review exercise needs to be conducted for COPASAH. This exercise aimed to assess the strengths and challenges of COPASAH with a focus upon taking stock of progress to-date and inform key directions and its mission, structure, and plan of action for the next five to seven years. Apart from this it expected strategies for the institutional strengthening of COPASAH to establish its autonomous identity and strengthen its governance mechanisms recommendations for its future. COPASAH commissioned this organizational review in 2017 to an external reviewer Dr. Florencia Guerzovich and her team after a process of calls and inviting OD reviewers. The review was conducted from June to August 2017, using a customized analytical framework by the reviewer and her team. The framework focused on understanding the value addition of COPASAH and its activities. The team reviewed program documentation and carried out 28 interviews over the course of the review. An interim report of the review was presented to the COPASAH’s Steering Committee in September. Following which the key findings were also shared with a larger group of COPASAH including internal and external stakeholders.
Excerpts from the Organisational Review Report
ORGANIZATIONAL OPTIONS: COPASAH could evolve in several directions in the next five years building on its upward start up trajectory. This evolution is a political decision of the community, considering the context. The challenge is to identify what is a feasible and relevant value proposition in the future. To identify a compromise “north” for COPASAH as a field building organizations that is driven by and provides value to diverse set of organizations that make up the community and the field. A group of external experts should not prescribe the direction moving forward. The table below summarizes three alternative scenarios, each of them putting emphasis on a different strategic direction. This does not mean that there is a linear choice between these scenarios. There could be synergies in combining elements of them as well as conflicts. The point is to surface the alternatives and tensions for the community to develop a shared understanding about the possible implications of different, even if potentially related, pathways. Clarity and ownership of purpose for the consolidation of COPASAH is needed before any determination on its structure beyond Phase IV.