Teodora Krumova
The Roma Community in Bulgaria faces one of the most severe exclu-sions in access to health. The health status of Roma is signifi-cantly lower than that of the major-ity of the population of Bulgaria. Bridging the health gap requires intervention from both the Roma community and health system in-stitutions. Since 2011, the Cen-terAmalipe, a national Roma or-ganization in Bulgaria has been introducing Community monitor-ing for Roma women and children on healthcare services. This initia-tive is supported by Accountability and Monitoring in Health Initiative Program of Open Society Founda-tion. It is used as an approach for strengthening community-informed and community driven advocacy to improve health service delivery and health outcomes. The two rounds of monitoring are conducted every year, to examine women and children’s health indi-cators and the emergency medical services. The monitoring uses stan-dardized tools, to follow-through the changes that are observed in the health system with respect to the quality of services provided. It is due to the monitoring, commu-nity involvement and advocacy activities that there has been much progress made. |
Preparing for Community Monitoring Exercise