Zimbabwe: 7th -10th October 2013
In 2013 TARSC through COPASAH and EQUINET held a regional workshop on Participatory Approaches to Strengthening People-Centred Health Systems in the east and southern Africa (ESA) region. The training brought together 28 delegates from 7 countries in east and southern Africa (see Appendix One for list of participants) to discuss and deepen our understanding on ways to strengthen primary health care through improved public involvement and health service accountability. The training came about because of a joint interest within all three lead organisations to explore how Participatory Reflection and Action (PRA) approaches could be used to raise community voice in strengthening the functioning and resourcing of primary health care (PHC) systems in the region. The Community of Practitioners in Accountability and Social Action in Health (COPASAH), who initiated the training with support from Open Society Foundations (OSF), is a global network of practitioners with a strong focus on building the field of community monitoring for accountability in health. The Training and Research Support Centre (TARSC), based in Zimbabwe, has a strong community based research and community monitoring programme to build social power in health and uses a multiplicity of complementary approaches – including PRA - to generate relevant knowledge, and raise community voice and actions. TARSC is the lead for the pra4equity network in the Regional Network for Equity in Health in east and southern Africa (EQUINET), a consortium network that aims to promote and realise shared values of equity and social justice in health in east and southern Africa. Thus, this training drew on the knowledge base of the pra4equity network (coming from 20 studies in 9 countries in the ESA region), as well as the learning coming out of COPASAH, to explore ways of improving public involvement, social action and social accountability in health for local level action and advocacy. |
The training specifically aimed: