COPASAH at the Learning Exchange: Transparency/Accountability Strategies
& Reproductive Health Delivery Systems A Learning Exchange on Transparency Accountability strategies and reproductive health delivery systems at the American University was held on June 27 and 28, 2016. The learning exchange was convened by Accountability Research Center, School of International Service, American University along with the Evident Project, International Planned Parenthood Federation and Reproductive Health Supplies Coalition, Advocacy and Accountability Working Group. COPASAH was represented at the learning exchange meeting by two Steering Committee members including Walter Flores (CEGSS, Guatemala) and Renu Khanna (SAHAJ,India) - and E. Premdas Pinto from the COPASAH Global Secretariat, Centre for Health and Social Justice(CHSJ, India).
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A Story in Words and Images from Cassa Banana Informal Settlement, Zimbabwe
The Training and Research Support Centre (TARSC) and Zimbabwe Association of Doctors for Human Rights (ZADHR) reported on how Participatory Action Research (PAR) was used in the Cassa Banana community to explore, analyze and take action on priority health problems faced by the community.
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