COPASAH South Asia – Learning Sharing and Documentation workshop on Employing ICTs for Social Accountability in Health
July 2 – 4, 2015, Hotel Savshanti, Vadodra (Gujarat) India
With a view to uphold its mission of nurturing, strengthening and promoting collective knowledge and skills; developing and implementing different practitioner and peer led learning strategies, COPASAH convened a three day COPASAH- South Asia Sharing and Documenting Information Communication Technologies (ICT’s) Experiences Workshop at Vadodra in Gujarat (India) from July 2-4, 2015. Read more...
Promoting Health Accountability through Strengthening Community Participation
On 31st March 2015, the Initiative for Social and Economic Rights (ISER) launched a pilot mobile phone application (text messaging / SMS) project aimed at enhancing community participation in health service delivery in two Sub Counties of Kayunga District , i.e. (Kayonza and Bbaale). Read More...
Innovative Use of ICT in Community Based Monitoring Practice in India
COPASAH COMMUNICATION HUB The issue of digital divide is often a major barrier for the grassroots practitioners in the developing countries who fail to use the evidences effectively to influence change for the benefit of the marginalized. Read More...
ICT Communities for Social Accountability
Prof. Langdon Winner in 1980 wrote his ground breaking thesis, “Do Artifacts have Politics?”I had the opportunity to be his student for five years and discuss with him various questions concerning modern technology and social accountability. Let me share with COPASAH members some of the discussions that I had with Prof. Winner on this subject. Read More...
Community Defenders of Health Rights
The Centro de Estudios para la Equidad y Gobernanza en los Sistemas de Salud-CEGSS (Center for the Study of Equity and Governance in Health Systems) accompanied the work of the Consejo de Comunidades de Guatemala por la Salud-CCGS (Guatemalan Council of Communities for Health) from the very first moment that Community Defenders of the Right to Health expressed their interest in researching, documenting and publishing about the obstacles that families must overcome to reach health care services and to receive quality services, without illegal charges and with dignity. Read More...
Community Monitoring and Public Accountability for HIV/AIDS Resources
Community Monitoring and Public Accountability for HIV/AIDS project aims to strengthen community monitoring mechanisms for health, particularly for HIV/AIDS Resources and Services, thus creating demand for improvements in quality of services and better/more equitable allocation of resources. The project is being implemented in two CWGH districts of Kwekwe and Chiwundura in the Midlands province. Read More...
eLearn-HealthCBM:An e-Resource for Accountability Practitioners in Health
eLearn-HealthCBM an online resource for the global practitioners of accountability in health using the strategy and tools of Community Based Monitoring (CBM). Read More...